Today's Wisdom

Those who do not pass from the experience of the cross to the truth of the resurrection condemn themselves to despair! For we cannot encounter God without first crucifying our narrow notions of a god who reflects only our own understanding of omnipotence and power
Pope Francis

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Room for God in Your Heart?

This past Friday we had another great discussion with over 30 persons in attendance. The question as an extension to the previous discussion (See suggested by NassrinWhom are we serving when we forget God? Is it possible to serve my neighbour when I am not thinking of God? And if so how can we, each of us, make room for God in our busy daily lives?”  After all, parents are both working – They hardly have time today to pay attention to their children and follow up their education. How can they dedicate time to God? Yet, we must understand that the community of Christians, based on the apostles, is more than a social secular network; for the Church is related to God who founded her.

After a brief prayer led by Fr. Youhanna, Ivan reflected on building our relationship with God basing his point on the two great commandments uttered by Jesus in the Gospel: Love God with all your heart, your mind and your strength; and love your neighbour as yourself.  The two great commandments go together so why deny God when serving our neighbour? Blessed Mother Teresa loved everyone of the dying whom she ministered to. But she also spent 3 hours every day kneeling and praying to Christ. Her strength came from Christ. According to the Bible, God so loved the world that even when he allowed Abraham’s son Isaac to be saved, he did not spare his own Son Jesus from death on the cross so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life (John 3: 16).

We asked a few participants whether they find room in their lives for God. One person answered that he finds God in serving the Church. Another said “I have a place dedicated to God in my home. This reminds me of spending some time with God when I wake up in the morning. I commit myself everyday to spend time with God and the saints.”

Fr. Youhanna spoke of the importance that we remember God in our daily activities and in our services. He continued “Our relationship with God starts with prayer and meditation but does not stop there; for it continues in our prayers as a community in the Mass and other prayers. God is a community of three persons in one God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God works in us and attracts us towards him.  We frequently fall but we get up and continue our journey. In this passing life, we have to take care to find and remain together in Christ and his Church.  We imitate Christ for Christ is the mediator between Man and God. He who is God came to earth and became man so that we may partake of the eternal joy in heaven.”

Indeed, we have a journey to go through until we see God. Blessed Mother Teresa who died in 1997 used to spend 3 hours every day in prayer before the holy Eucharist. Her spiritual prayers strengthened her in serving the dying people in Calcutta. Yet in her intense love for God, for 40 years she never felt God’s love towards her. In spite of her “dark night” she persevered trusting in God’s abiding love.

In the Church’s history, the Bible has been the most important source of guidance to millions of Christians. Biblical scholars since the 2nd century continue to explore the treasures of the Bible whose writers were inspired by the Holy Spirit (See for example Scott Hahn online courses here Holy persons wrote spiritual directions and instructions to Christians. To mention only a few, St. John Climacus in the 6th century wrote “The Ladder of Paradise” (  St. Ignatius of Loyola who founded the order of the Society of Jesus in the 16th century wrote “The Spiritual Exercises” for the Jesuits (his disciples) who continue to educate Christians in the world (

Although God is present everywhere, we need to perceive his presence with gratitude.

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Today's Quote

"Behold I make all things new." (Revelation 21:5)


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