Today's Wisdom

Those who do not pass from the experience of the cross to the truth of the resurrection condemn themselves to despair! For we cannot encounter God without first crucifying our narrow notions of a god who reflects only our own understanding of omnipotence and power
Pope Francis

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Truth of Selfishness - My Real Story Today

A little event made me upset today. It should not have if I was dependent on God alone, but as a weak Christian when another Christian and preacher accused me of distorting the history of a certain event that I had published a few days ago, I immediately went on the defensive. I had always thought that he wanted to be at the centre in anything we do. However, he proved to me that he attributed to others the good things that he brought in. In both attitudes mine and his, I find egocentric tendencies which I attribute to Original Sin. First, he is guilty of reacting so aggressively and threatening me without thinking when I called him.  Under any circumstances, if he thought that I was guilty he should have given me the opportunity to explain my position. In Christian tradition, a Christian should first examine his conscience and his motivations and take time in silent prayer before accusing his brother.  Second, I am guilty of the act itself to which he was referring as a distortion of history. In all honesty, I wanted me to be in charge and, while focusing on what I do, I did not imagine that he, out of all men, would feel wounded.  I still have hidden feelings of revenge!

Egoism is at the heart of my thought here and I believe that all of us humans are still under the powerful temptation of sin except for the very few saints living and dead. I want me and my family and my church and my reputation and my country and my health and my wealth and my pleasure to be for me because they are my extension. I want my self-expansion and at least that history would recognize me and my contribution!  

Who does not want to be eternal? Is not this why the ancients wanted to have male offspring?  Is not this why barren women were considered a shame in ancient and, to-date, in most Eastern cultures? Is not this why Egyptian ancient kings built the Pyramids and why today we build skyscrapers? Is not that why most humans attempt to survive by adapting to the wishes of the powerful in this world including those who serve others?  

Who does not want to be loved? Who does not want to be appreciated regardless of his own malicious words and acts? And when he is loved, does not he want to still be loved by everyone and admired by everyone? It is in the heart of every heart that still lives with some wishful thinking that the earthly things can satisfy him.  This is why to answer the first question “Who does not want to be eternal?” we need to answer the second question “Who does not want to be loved?” To live eternally in happiness I must love but to love I must be loved by the One who can powerfully hold me eternally in himself.  This is the truth from the Resurrection of Christ which Ratzinger ably explained in his book “Introduction to Christianity.”  See  it here at:

From a logical perspective it makes sense that the vast majority of those who die in the grace of God will have to be purified before they can experience God’s glorious love in heaven. In Eastern Christian tradition, God is present everywhere, including heaven and hell. The Devil who hates God experiences his huge loss in hell and this is why he suffers most. The angels who love God experience their utter joy in heaven and this is why they enjoy love.  But I have another explanation of heaven and hell and purgatory which is subject to approval by ecclesial authorities. Hell is a state of total self-closed beings – Each of them hates everyone else and hates God who still loves everyone including the lost. Heaven is a state of utter openness to love and communion. The joy of being in heaven is that of self-giving which starts here on earth because God himself is self-giving of love or self-giving of Father to Son and Son to Father eternally by the power of the Holy Spirit who unites them. Purgatory is a state of temporary suffering for anyone who is longing and willing to give himself in love, and yet has not reached his potential of perfect love for the sake of love i.e. for the sake of God in whom Man can be eternally saved and find his resurrection.

I wish I can express my feeling of utter helplessness alone but at the same time I hope that God and people I know will forgive me and forgive my fellow Christian preacher and that each of us will forgive each other; for I think God uses our finite weakness to still get us closer to him and to each other which is the communion of the Church.

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Today's Quote

"Behold I make all things new." (Revelation 21:5)


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