In the joy of Easter, the community sings “Christ is risen…He has truly risen.” Indeed, I recall Fr. Georges Farah speaking about the “sealed tomb” in which the leaders of the Romans and Jews of the time thought they could bind or choke the Word of God. Yet, he, Jesus, liberated himself and his followers from that darkness. Yes it was dark for 3 days, but Christ moves the large stone and comes out giving hope to all who are without hope. He revisits the Apostles only to step to the doubtful Thomas and invites him to touch his wounds because he loves the man Thomas and wants him to trust that his Master is alive in spite of death. Surprised, Thomas answers “My Lord and my God!” For us, weak humans, we may easily doubt or despair when faced with injustice, violence, doubts or darkness. However, we have among us the victorious Christ who continues to encourage us and build his Church.
Lately Fr. Henri Boulad, S.J., spoke about Abraham who went in an adventure from Ur in the Chaldean land (Iraq today) all the way following the inspiration of God. By leaving everything to follow God, this giant of faith was spiritually born – a birth not attached to flesh. And God promised Abraham more offspring than the stars he could count in the sky. For Abraham, God was the "all". His offspring, billions of them in all continents today, are so many only because he went after his passion for God. I have to leave everything for God to be born, said Fr. Boulad. And this is the grace of faith that the risen Christ -who trampled upon death - bestows on us, the Church.
After Bishop Ibrahim lectured us at Jesus the King Church, I wrote a little post on the blog which I think is appropriate for the Church to reflect on as we move together in the celebrations of Easter towards Pentecost that marks the birth of the Church. The entire reflection can be found here:
But I only wish to share what he looked like when he spoke about the Church:
Here he was teaching the flock! Everything we have is a gift from God, he resounded. “Everyone is given talents which can and should be invested to serve the other – Not only bishops or priests are called to the priesthood; for we all have a share in the priesthood of Christ” echoing the authentic teaching of the Church expounded in Vatican II. Then, in a moment of sheer greatness - the greatness of humility, he turned to the parents and to the young youth who came to hear him and said in a bold voice: It is true that the Church needs the youth, but it is also true that the youth need the Church. “Without you the Church will have no future, but remember too that without the Church you will have no future.” A silent moment went on as if I was gazing into eternity! Then Bishop Ibrahim gave the final word that every young Christian must remember and every parent must teach his children. He said “We are not a social club but the Apostolic Church that fed many generations for 2,000 years – There is absolutely no comparison between what each one of us can give and what the mother of all has given and continues to give!”